Step 1 - Set Up Your Integrations

Syncing your calendar integrations brings efficiency to your scheduling. By integrating Google, Outlook, and Zoom accounts, you prevent double bookings and conflicts. Whether it's Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, or Zoom, your availability stays updated, ensuring a streamlined schedule. Zoom integration even auto-generates new links for appointments. Choose your main calendar for bookings and specify conflict calendars for availability checks. Admins can customize these settings under the calendar tab in user settings, making scheduling seamless and organized.

Feature Key Points:

  • Google, Outlook, and Zoom Integration: The tool seamlessly syncs with these popular calendar platforms, ensuring up-to-date availability.

  • Conflict Calendar Configuration: Define calendars for availability checks without actual bookings, maintaining personal commitments.

  • Zoom Link Integration: Automatically generates new Zoom links for each appointment and incorporates them into messaging.

  • Main Calendar Selection: Choose the primary calendar where appointments will be booked, keeping your workflow organized.

  • Admin Settings Customization: Admins have the power to fine-tune settings, guaranteeing a tailored scheduling experience for their team and clients.

Feature Benefits:

  • Efficient Scheduling: The tool streamlines scheduling by syncing with Google, Outlook, and Zoom, eliminating double bookings and saving time.

  • Integrated Communication: It seamlessly pulls Zoom links into messaging using custom values, facilitating direct communication with clients.

  • Personalized Settings: Business owners can configure main and conflict calendars, tailoring the system to their unique availability and preferences.

  • Enhanced Organization: Syncing and conflict calendars keep personal commitments separate, maintaining a clear view of work-related appointments.

  • Admin Customization: Admins enjoy control over settings, ensuring smooth booking processes for their team, clients, and themselves.

Last Updated July 2023