Using SMS Keyword Marketing

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Using a text keyword process to gather contact information and opt-ins during speaking events, lead magnets, and other marketing initiatives can be incredibly useful. It provides an easy and convenient way for interested parties to provide their contact details, making it simpler to follow up and engage with them in the future. By using a specific text keyword, such as "Text my account number to receive your own copy of my book," you can create a clear call-to-action and incentivize people to take action. It also enables you to segment your audience and target your messaging more effectively, based on their interests and preferences. Overall, using a text keyword process can be an effective way to generate leads, build your database, and grow your business.

Feature Key Points:

  • Use workflows to automate lead generation via SMS

  • Trigger the workflow using the Customer Replied trigger

  • Filter replies based on the channel (e.g., SMS, Facebook Messenger, Google My Business, etc.)

  • Filter replies based on an exact match phrase for better accuracy

  • Customize your response and track the interaction using various actions

Feature Benefits:

  • Effortlessly turn social media interactions into lead generation opportunities

  • Ideal for course creators or anyone looking to grow their email list

  • Enhance your brand reputation with a professional and automated response

  • Gather contact information and opt-ins without manual intervention

  • Seamless integration into speaking engagements or any social media platform

  • Boost SMS engagement and reputation with personalized and timely responses

Last Updated July 2023