Social Media Planner

Did you know that the average person spends over 2 hours a day on social media? With our Social Media Planner Tool, you can efficiently plan and schedule all your social media content in one place. Easily connect all your social media profiles, group them together, and schedule your posts as far in advance as you need. Plus, with detailed analytics, you can track your post's performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. Say goodbye to the hassle of logging in and out of multiple accounts and never miss a post again!

Feature Key Points:

  • Access the Social Planner Tool under the Marketing tab

  • Connect all your social media profiles in one place

  • Schedule posts weeks or even months in advance

  • Choose which accounts to post on and group them together for convenience

  • Get a detailed overview of your post's performance with in-depth analytics

  • Post immediately, upload a CSV file, schedule manually, or save drafts for later editing

Feature Benefits:

  • Save time by planning all your social media content in one place

  • Build your brand and increase your online presence with consistent posting

  • Plan ahead for important dates, holidays, and special events with ease

  • Manage and comment on your own posts without logging in and out of different accounts

  • Never miss a post and stay active on all your social media accounts

  • Customize your posting schedule to fit your unique needs and preferences

  • Make last-minute changes or updates to your posts before they go live

Last Updated July 2023