Collecting Google My Business Leads

Enabling Google My Business chat and integrating it with our software is a smart move to bring in more messages and reviews. By enabling this feature, you can communicate with customers in real-time, answer their queries, and resolve their issues instantly. It also helps to build trust and credibility with your customers, as they can see that you are actively engaged and responsive to their needs. By integrating Google My Business chat with our software, you can streamline your communication, centralize your messaging, and manage all your reviews and messages from a single platform, making it easier to track and respond to customer feedback. Overall, this integration can be a valuable tool for enhancing customer experience, building brand loyalty, and driving business growth.

Feature Key Points:

  • Connect your account with Google My Business (GMB)

  • In the account settings, navigate to Integrations, and connect your Google profile to be prompted to connect the GMB page

  • Once connected, any GMB message will be directed to the conversations area for easy response

  • The system will also bring in Google reviews and testimonials

  • You can connect your GMB profile to the social planner tool to post from within the system

  • Utilize GMB chat actions in workflows to create auto-responders or trigger off a GMB message coming in

Feature Benefits:

  • Manage your Google My Business profile and reputation in one place

  • Stay on top of your GMB chat messages and never miss an inquiry

  • Capitalize on the growing trend of customers preferring chat over calls to connect with businesses

Last Updated July 2023